
Important information for authors

Dear authors planning to publish in journals indexed in the international scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science!

Below are the methodological recommendations published on the website of the ANRI Training and Consulting Center and on the website of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, which will help you prepare an article in accordance with the generally accepted requirements for foreign journals.

For a complete guide to writing scientific articles for foreign journals from ANRI, check here.

For brief recommendations for authors on preparing and formatting a scientific publication, check here.

For all questions related to the selection of a journal for publication of your article, please contact the Division for Scientific Work.

SPbGASU publishes the scientific and practical peer-reviewed journal “Architecture and Engineering”, indexed in Scopus (Q1).

About Scopus

Scopus is the world's largest single abstract database, a tool for analyzing the citation of articles published in scientific journals. The database is being developed by the Elsevier publishing house.

Scopus is designed to support researchers' workflow efficiency by helping them:

  • find new articles in their area of specialization;
  • find information about the author;
  • analyze publication activity in a particular subject area;
  • track citations;
  • view h-index (Hirsch index);
  • identify the most cited articles and authors;
  • assess the relevance of the research.

If the author has published at least one article (it is very important that the spelling of the author's name is always the same), his individual account appears in Scopus. Such an author profile includes basic information about the author, as well as scientometric characteristics of his publication activity - variations of the author’s name, a list of his places of work, the number of publications, years of publication activity, areas of research, links to main co-authors, the total number of citations to the author’s publications, the total number of sources cited by the author, the author's H-index, etc.

You can view your personal Scopus profile without subscribing to the database using the Scopus Author Preview service.

The most current list of publications in Scopus can be downloaded here.

About Web of Science

Web of Science (since 2014, formerly ISI Web of Knowledge) is a search platform that combines abstract databases of publications in scientific journals, including databases that take into account mutual citation of publications, generated by Thomson Reuters. Web of Science covers materials in the natural sciences, technology, social sciences, humanities and the arts. The platform has built-in capabilities for searching, analyzing and managing bibliographic information.

About quartiles

A quartile is a category of scientific journals, determined by bibliometric indicators that reflect the level of citations, that is, the demand for a journal by the scientific community. As a result of the ranking, each journal falls into one of four quartiles: from Q1 (the highest) to Q4 (the lowest). The most authoritative journals usually belong to the first two quartiles – Q1 and Q2.

To determine the quartile of a journal, SCIMago Journal Rank (SJR) (linked to Scopus) and Journal Citation Reports (JCR) (linked to Web of Science) are used.

SJR is calculated only for those journals that are indexed in databases for a sufficient time for their calculation. Journals recently included in the database (one or two years ago for Scopus) do not yet have this indicator. The journal quartile can be found by contacting and


Anastasiya Sidorova

Lead specialist


4, 2nd Krasnoarmeiskaya Str., St Petersburg, 190005
