

Faculty of Automobile and Road Building


About the Faculty

Thank you for visiting the SPbGASU website! We are pleased that you have opened the page of the Faculty of Automobile and Road Building (FARB). We invite you to take part in the work and development of our faculty.

The history of the Faculty of Automobile and Road Building began on 7 October, 1947. In 2017, it turned 70 years old. The foundation of the faculty was due to the state's need for highly qualified specialists to provide rapid and high-quality post-war restoration of the national economy in the road, bridge, automotive, design, manufacturing and mechanical industries.

The uniqueness of the FARB is that the entire scientific and technical complex and laboratory facilities are concentrated at one site for the training of highly qualified specialists in all above areas, which have been developing since the founding of the faculty and invariably meet the most modern requirements.

The faculty has five departments, four of which are graduating. They are taught by highly qualified specialists - candidates and doctors of sciences, associate professors and professors.

Today, the faculty implements all types of higher education training:

  • bachelor's programs (4 years of study);
  • specialist's programs (5 years of study);
  • master's programs (2 years of study after bachelor's or specialist's programs accomplishment);
  • postgraduate programs (4 years of study after master's or specialist's programs accomplishment).

Admission to all types of education is carried out in accordance with federal requirements and with the allocated limits of budget places. Features of admission on a commercial basis are determined by the university's administrators.

Students undergo industrial and undergraduate practice at leading enterprises and construction sites in our country and abroad. During the internship, students invariably demonstrate a high level of knowledge, which allows them to continue working at these enterprises after graduation, but in a different capacity and with good prospects. In addition, requests for our graduates are constantly coming in, so that their employment is guaranteed. FARB graduates are in demand not only in our country, but also abroad.

A lot of scientific work is carried out at the faculty, there are several scientific schools that have been formed and developed for decades. There is a dissertation council for the defense of doctoral and master's theses in the specialties: "Operation of road transport" and "Land transport and technological machines and complexes".

At the faculty there is a center for advanced training, where retraining or advanced training courses are held for specialists working in the field of organizing the technical operation of motor vehicles (MV), ensuring road safety, investigating and examining traffic accidents, and training drivers in the system of driving schools. The possibility of acquiring a qualification other than the qualification in the main program of study is also provided to senior students.

The most popular of these programs among students are:

  • training for the right to drive a car of category "B";
  • diagnostics of automobile electronic systems;
  • independent technical examination of motor vehicles (in the areas of appraisal activities, investigation of accidents and examination of the technical condition of vehicles).

There is a car club at the faculty, the purpose of which is to introduce young people to motorsport and participate in refereeing during motorsport competitions. There is a large, modern gym. On the territory of the faculty there is a driving school and its own station of MV instrumental technical control, there is a modern road mobile laboratory.

We will be happy to help you with the choice of specialty and look forward to meeting at the FARB!

History of the faculty of automobile and road buildng Goals and Objectives


Visiting address

2/5, Kurlyandskaya Str., St Petersburg

Correspondence address

4, 2nd Krasnoarmeiskaya Str., St Petersburg, 190005

You can ask a question about admission to the faculty to the Deputy Executive Secretary of the SPbGASU Admissions Committee for work at the Faculty of Automobile and Road Building

Ivanov Pavel S.

Andrey V. Zazykin

Welcome from the dean of the faculty

Dear applicants, students and colleagues!
Thank you for visiting the SPbGASU website! We are pleased that you have opened the page of the Faculty of Automobile and Road Building (FARB). We invite you to take part in the work and development of our faculty.

Departments and specialties


Department of Land Transport and Technological Machines


Department of Transport Maintenance


Department of Transport Systems


Department of Technosphere Safety


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