

Faculty of Forensics and Law in Construction and Transport


About the Faculty

For modern Russia it is vitally important to have a program aimed at renovation of business sphere and improvement of law mechanisms of economic security. This program should be distinct, consequent, theoretically justified, based on positive historical background and supported by various financial guarantees. To carry out this program means to overcome consequences of the economic crisis Russia had to live through during the process of transferring from command-and-control economy to market-based one. In order to fulfill the program, it is essential to train professionals in jurisprudence at Bachelor’s, Specialist’s and Master’s degree levels, and this is taking place at the Faculty of Forensics and Law in Construction and Transport.

Specialists in the field of engineering and technical expertise are among the most demanded by practice in connection with the development of market relations, which is due to the increase in the number of disputes between business entities. The need for the production of examinations of this class is also caused by a sharp increase in the number of crimes in the economic sphere, a modification of the methods of their commission, especially in the construction industry.

The uniqueness of graduates is determined by the complex of disciplines studied within the framework of the curriculum and additional expert specialization.

Training of bachelors, specialists and masters is provided by qualified teaching staff. The departments conduct active research work. The teaching staff regularly undergo advanced training in the largest Russian universities.

The faculty has an excellent educational and methodological base, a library fund, access to Russian and foreign information sources, a modern pull of computer and multimedia equipment.

Legal Clinic History of the faculty


Dean's office

Office 303-5, 5, 2nd Krasnoarmeiskaya Str., St Petersburg

Correspondence address

4, 2nd Krasnoarmeiskaya Str., St Petersburg, 190005

You can ask a question about admission to the faculty to the Deputy Executive Secretary of the SPbGASU Admissions Committee for work at the Faculty of Forensics and Law in Construction and Transport

Ivanova Elena S.

Dmitry V. Ivanov

Welcome from the dean of the faculty

Welcome to the webpage of the Faculty of Forensics and Law in Construction and Transport
Experts in engineering and technical expert examination, investigation of substances, materials and goods, and economic investigation are in high demand due to development of market-based relations provoking frequent conflicts between subjects of business sphere. Investigations are often necessary because of the growth of the amount of commercial crimes; moreover, these crimes have morphed into new forms in the construction sphere.Our graduates in the learning process master a set of necessary disciplines to solve a wide range of problems.
Training of bachelors, specialists and masters is performed by qualified teachers; most of them have PhD and Doctoral degrees. Departments of the Faculty are engaged in broad research activities. Professors of our Faculty attend courses of advanced training at leading Russian higher education institutions and take internships abroad.

The Faculty has a solid academic and methodological basis, a rich library with access to Russian and foreign information resources, state-of-the-art computer park and multimedia equipment at auditoriums.

Departments and specialties


Department of Forensics


Department of Legal Regulation of Urban-Planning Activities and Transport


Department of Legal Studies


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